Thursday, October 6, 2011

Elections in Guatemala

The elections here have come and gone and the country is waiting for the results of the run off election that will take place in November. Lizzy and I enjoyed relative calm in our town on the day of elections, which took place back on September 11th. The elections were quite exciting this year with more than 12 parties vying for a spot in the run off election, but after all was said and done only two parties with easy to recognize hand gestures made it through. Those parties are the Patriot Party and the Leader Party. I have been trying to think of what I might call my own political party if I were a native Guatemalan and what kind of hand gesture I might choose...and nope, still  nothing, still drawing a blank on both of those. I will miss the vibrantly painted houses, telephone polls, rocks and anything else with a paintable surface that have been a part of everyday life here for the last few months, but I'm pretty sure I won't miss the parades through town with loudspeakers blaring out of the back of pick up trucks. Below is just a taste of the wonderful local art we were treated to in our town.

To vote here people put an X over the party they support.

Election Day on the Basketball Court in town
Voting Line
Our Neighbor Esperanza. She was responsible for handing out money and food to voters after they voted  for the party she worked for...because here you can buy votes.
Our host family and relatives just after voting and showing off their inked fingers as proof.

1 comment:

Nichol Family said...

That is really interesting ! Thanks for sharing :) love and miss you guys .