Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friends Visit Guatemala

Our friends, Jeff & Erin, Scottie & Katie and Scottie's sister and niece came to visit in the beginning of October.  We had a great time staying up in the mountains of Antigua at Earth Lodge, going zip lining  and hanging out at Lake Atitlan and making the long trek up to Semuc Champey...
View from the hostel at the lake. 
Friends hike to the top of the canyon where they zip lined.

This is a typical community pila (large sink).  The local women from the village come to do their laundry here.  When a family has enough money to have their own pila, of a much smaller size, they also do any other kind of cleaning in it, dishes, cleaning a freshly killed chicken, brush one's teeth...everything.
The gang at the tree top view of the green pools at Semuc Champey. 
At Semuc the river falls into a huge hole, pictured here, and comes out just down the river.  It's amazing to see something so powerful just disappear.  In the river in between where it drops off and reappears are beautiful green pools that are perfect for swimming in. 

Hiking Volcano Pacaya

At Semuc we also swam and played in a cave.  Here we are with our  candles about to enter...

about 3/4 of the way into the cave you could climb up the side walls and jump off into a pool, in complete darkness!

Leaving the cave we jumped into some tubes and rode down the river back to our hostel.

View from the lake hike.
Tuk Tuk rides!

Eating pupusas at the lake, cheese filled tortillas, yum!

Erin and I decided to have a girls lunch out instead of going up the volcano.  Besides being delicious, we had some great bonding time while we enjoyed the garden and the puppies running around.

Thanks for the visit everyone, we had a great time with all of you!

1 comment:

Nichol Family said...

Fun fun. You guys do really cool stuff. Love ya